Monday, April 18, 2011

Ghosts of Rwanda

I was extremely affected by this film. Just by knowing that this genocide happened not long ago at all and how so many people were killed so quickly is just scary to think about. I hadn't really heard much about this genocide since I saw this movie and I quickly realized how much damage was actually caused. It really opened my eyes. I knew people could do this to eachother, but I didn't think it would actually happen like that. There were so many people living in fear throughout that period of time, it was just a horrible thing to watch. This movie really showed me about the mistakes of other people in other places around the world and how nobody is perfect. People have their own reasons for hating others, and nobody can control another persons feelings. In this case, it had a very unfortunate outcome, but it can only make us stronger in the end, creating a better future for us all.

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