Friday, April 15, 2011

"Ghosts of Rwanda" 4/15/11

  • Gen. Romeo Dallaire- head of UN peacekeeping in Rwanda
  • August 1993
    • Hutus- ethnic majority- perpetrators
    • Tutsis- ethnic minority- vicitms
    • Paul Kagame- leader of RPF, Tutsi rebels
    • Interrehamway- Hutu army that keads genocide
  • January 1994
    • Dallaire gets info that genocide is being planned
    • Dallaire informs UN
    • Kofi Annan- head of UN peacekeeping
    • UN didn't believe Dallaire and orders him not to use force
    • Mogadishu, Somalia
    • US doesn't want to get involved in ethnic conflicts in Africa again
    • Carl Wilkens- American missionary, only American to stay in Rwanda during genocide
  • April 6, 1994
    • Hutu president's plane shot down
    • Col. Bagasora- lead Hutu extremist genocide
    • Mme. Agathe- acting Hutu PM (moderate)
    • Hutu extremists kill 10 Belgian soldiers
    • Belgium pulls support from UN peacekeeping mission

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