Sunday, May 1, 2011

Video #2

In this video clip, I witnessed starved, skinny, dying people, waiting for their chance to be brought back into the world. I saw victims, with their faces buried in the ground, victims who will never turn back over. Children, skin and bone, looking for the guidance they need to survive, and sickly elders, with each minute passing, they get closer and closer to joining the 400,000 whose lives had already been taken. The people in Darfur are waiting for somebody, anybody, to come and save them. Take them out of their misery and let them start over in life. And I realized by watching this video, by seeing the loss of hope in their eyes, by putting myself in their situation, anyone of us can help save at least one person who wants another chance before the genocide takes that away from them too. One person who doesn’t want to die, doesn’t want to lose their life because they were part of a group who fought for their rights, doesn’t want to say they lost to the Janjaweed. And the part that a lot of people don’t think about when thinking about the genocide and all the dying people, put yourself in their shoes. Fight for your life every day, play hide-and-seek, but remember that that isn’t a game for you. It might be a game for the people trying to find you, but it’s a matter of life and death, and if your found, game over.

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